Monday 6 February 2012

Pictures of the Week in San Francisco

I taught 2 of the younger McKissicks how to work the camera and they made a film about getting fruit from a neighbours tree by throwing rocks at it.

This was at an outdoors meal where fancy furniture was placed under trees.

The 2 young filmmakers.

A rabbit that happily lives in a chicken house.

A baby rabbit born during the week I was there.

A chick rescued from the jaws of one of the dogs.  It had a broken wing.  It sadly died on Friday night.

The best day was when I was given an iced coffee by Amy.  I can't express how good a cold drink is.  Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land. (Proverbs 25:25)

A view of the high street in San Francisco.  As it's a main bus route companies pay the locals to have advertisements painted on their walls.
On the left is a fixed fan control, and the right is a camera cable into a US to UK adaptor, then a UK to Paraguay adaptor held in place with string.

Amy McKissick trying to lasso.

The lasso teacher.  He had 4 students and 2 managed to lasso a cow (one by the head, one by the leg).  I failed.

Pigs are great.  They stand in the middle of roads grunting seemingly oblivious to the approaching 4x4s.

The San Francisco high street.
Sugarcane getting split.

God provided an amazing sunset on both Friday and Saturday.

A hammock in the sunset.


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