Wednesday 15 February 2012

Mission Trip Photos (Habitat for Humanity)

These are pictures from the recent one-day mission trip with Habitat for Humanity.  Well, rather they are pictures taken from video clips.

This picture is of one of the kids whose family we were helping build their new house.  She was an expert at climbing trees.
This is at the 2nd location.  As videographer I got to go to 3 house-build locations unlike everybody else who had to stick with just one.
Some of the ACA students hard at work in the mid-day heat.

They had to sand and chisel the cement, then wash it with some chemical or other.

Heading to location one through the woods on the back of a 4x4!

A sander.

This is one of the huts we were replacing.


Peter and fiancee, teachers at ACA.

One of the kids goofing around.

They moved their beds under cooling trees for siesta time.

A lot of hacking was required.

Teacher Courtney at the moment she was hit by some foliage.

The cute kids.

The girl who set out her little chair and watched proceedings for quite a while.

One of the electricity poles/trees I mentioned in an earlier post!


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