My Task

On 8th September 2009 I wrote in my Bible, 'It is my purpose, if God permit, to become a foreign missionary.'  I think I quoted a missionary of the past who I heard about at the Faith Mission Bible College, but I forget who it was, I only remember the wonderful intention.  After spending a year as a missionary in my own country, God has now as of 2012 blessed my desire.

I am working with SIM as a missionary to Paraguay using film to spread the work of the missionaries already serving there around the world.  I hope through this many more people will be inspired to pray for the work, and that God may use the films to stir the hearts of many to become missionaries and to serve in Paraguay.

I am based in the capital city Asuncion, but as many of the missionaries are church-planters around the country I will regularly have to travel out into the countryside and live with them for a while witnessing first-hand what God is doing through them.  

As there is a reasonable cost of living out here and moving all over I am living in reliance on God's provision.  If you become interested in supporting me through prayer or financially then I'd appreciate it so much.  I will post prayer updates on the blog, and if you click the 'support' link at the top of the page it will show you how to help financially.

-Jocky (25 January 2012).


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