Sunday 5 August 2012

British and Chinese and Korean Food!!

Having made do with my poor-quality cooking for ages, there has been a recent glut of wonderful moments when I haven't had to eat my own less-than-sprakling usually oil-based creations.  First it was MK Daniel's birthday a bit over a week ago and I was invited to his B-day meal at a major Chinese Buffet place in the city.  Smokes! it was expensive, however.  G64,000!  I almost fell off my chair when I heard the cost!  It's about half of my weekly groceries cost.  It turned out that's it's about £8.70 in British pounds, so it wasn't so bad.  I'm glad I ate a lot of cake, however.

Yesterday I got a double blessing in that I was invited to two different folks' places for lunch and dinner.  Firstly the new British couple (doing English teaching short-term) invited me for the quintessential British meal, toad-in-the-hole with gravy.  Then the Lee family took me to a Korean place near Downtown for a meal!  Yay!  It has been half a year since I last had any of these kinds of things, so I'm so thankful.

On the way back from the Korean restaurant, we encountered a street performer.  The city's major intersections are alive with them.  As the traffic stops at the lights for nearly a minute, a  performer will often jump out and do a 45-second performance of juggling or balancing, and then spend the remaining 15 seconds going from car to car for coins.  Sometimes it's not so great as the performers are little kids and their parents are forcing them to do it -although some give the impression of enjoying performing.  But when it's a skilled adult then the acts can be very entertaining.

David at the Chinese buffet.
The Lees
Kimchi!!  YUM!
A talented Asuncion street performer.


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