Wednesday 25 April 2012

New Tribes Mission

These past 2 weeks I have been working with New Tribes Mission ( and I have been all over the North of Paraguay with them visiting tribes and Bible translators and so forth.  There have been many adventures, but that's for another day.  However, here are some pictures of the sights so far...

Seeing the often primitive shacks the tribal people live in is humbling.  The sense of community is the advantage they gain from the disadvantage of living conditions.

Hair-combing seemed to be high on the agenda for most women and girls.

Some tribe kids watching a dance performance.

A tribe's older men folk form a line to dance.

The women wore these cool ankle thingies.

A kid down a tribal street.

A tribe's church.  It has no glass or shutters in the window gaps so people, not only children but adults too, use them as entrances and exits.

Carrying water from the well for the church-goers to have terere.

One of the worship leaders stopped mid-song to get some terere, then continued on after a few seconds!
Highway from the church.
Tribe elder giving me a look.

Kids with a bike with no tyres, only rims, but having a great time nonetheless!


"Tribe elder giving me a look." Lols

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