Tuesday 27 December 2011


I have to learn 2 new languages.  One is the language of the conquerors, the other of the natives.  I can only find resources for the former however, so that will have to do.
“You only need to know between 600 and 1500 words to communicate well,” people say.  That’s a snap… maybe.  I have several language guides, one being a now-deceased man.  Wait, that sounds peculiar!  It’s an audio language guide led by a man who passed away in recent years.  Additionally I have a partially-interesting Spanish glossy gossip magazine with posed photos of human zoo exhibits.  Add to this a 2-way dictionary and a Santa Biblia in the modernish vernacular.  Lastly is a Japanese cartoon dubbed into Spanish.
I’m hoping to reach 600 words by the day I arrive.  So far I have 281, and at 15 a day that makes it possible.
The problem is active and inactive words.  The 600-1500 word ideal is only ideal if I have learned ideal words and not ineffectual inactive ones.  An active word is a commonly used one.  I could learn 600 inactive words making me understood but leave me scratching my head at every response.

I like your canine.
We call it a dog.
Huh?  What is ‘dog’?
Are you stupid?
Yes, I learned inactive words.
It means ‘ah’.
Ahhh.  Gotcha.


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