Paraguay 2012

My Task in Paraguay

I'm working with Christian missionary organisation SIM for 6 months in Paraguay. Click here to find out more.

Learn about Paraguay

Click here to find out a little bit about Paraguay.

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To support me in these 6 months in Paraguay (which is greatly needed and appreciated) then click here for details on how.

Contact me

I'm travelling around a lot, but all correspondences can be sent to one address (click here).

Saturday 31 December 2011

New Year

It’s a few minutes before the New Year and I am supposed to be at a party with friends from my last year, which includes the hike up the nearby city-centre hill to watch the fireworks at midnight, but I am held up on the wild edge of the city at the Bible college.  The college has a big, warm library, and as the whole campus would have been empty, I thought I’d spend a few uninterrupted hours there in the peace and warmth studying.
It turned out I wasn’t alone: Timothy had returned for the new semester (17 days early) and the studying turned into a video game afternoon.
Wan turned up and we got a pizza meal deal and hung out in the common room.  When I joined the college in 2008 they had a poor selection of U-rated movies.  During the 2 years, Daniel (a gun-toting Canadian) and I checked out various little shops for gun-toting movies.  We ended with a selection of around 40 which we left hidden in a box in one of the endless attics of the campus.  The best attic happened to be one that was like something out of Alice in Wonderland as each ‘room’ of the attic had a gap to the next, and the gaps got progressively smaller until one I could only just contort myself through.  They hadn’t been disturbed, except by dust, in over a year, which showed the current students weren’t as adventurous as ones in the past.
We selected a very Christmasy/New-Yearsy video -Die Hard.  After this Wan introduced me to an American cartoon series double-bill which was doing a Star Wars special followed by a whodunit, which is now itself followed by a live-action whodunit.
While Timothy and Wan simultaneously conquer Europe and watch a moustachioed detective on a second screen, I have tried to regain some focus and have been checking out various resources on that far-off land of mystery, mainly journals by those working in its jungles and towns, and I am beginning to realise how far off and exotic it all is.  Things I have learned that I’m not excited about: it’s very hot, there are gigantic spiders that children play with (rather than flee from with arms raised), the earth is reddish in colour, insects are large, and there are man-eating creatures roaming about.  I once saw a possessed dog, and a rat, but these 2 things are the only things I have been afraid of here.  I’m sort of glad it’s still 2011 as it keeps me far away from all of this.

Added after midnight:

An explosion took us surprise at midnight!  Though out in the sticks, we could feel the detonation of fireworks rippling up through the night to us.  Interestingly 4 minutes later the locals staged their own primitive fireworks show.  New Year is slightly delayed out here, or the fuses are longer.  2012.

Tuesday 27 December 2011


I have to learn 2 new languages.  One is the language of the conquerors, the other of the natives.  I can only find resources for the former however, so that will have to do.
“You only need to know between 600 and 1500 words to communicate well,” people say.  That’s a snap… maybe.  I have several language guides, one being a now-deceased man.  Wait, that sounds peculiar!  It’s an audio language guide led by a man who passed away in recent years.  Additionally I have a partially-interesting Spanish glossy gossip magazine with posed photos of human zoo exhibits.  Add to this a 2-way dictionary and a Santa Biblia in the modernish vernacular.  Lastly is a Japanese cartoon dubbed into Spanish.
I’m hoping to reach 600 words by the day I arrive.  So far I have 281, and at 15 a day that makes it possible.
The problem is active and inactive words.  The 600-1500 word ideal is only ideal if I have learned ideal words and not ineffectual inactive ones.  An active word is a commonly used one.  I could learn 600 inactive words making me understood but leave me scratching my head at every response.

I like your canine.
We call it a dog.
Huh?  What is ‘dog’?
Are you stupid?
Yes, I learned inactive words.
It means ‘ah’.
Ahhh.  Gotcha.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Books on Paraguay

A lot has been written about Paraguay, just not a lot has been published, and even less is available in the local bookshop.  There was a wall of 2000 travel books, and with 196 countries in the world, there was, statistically speaking, 10 books on Paraguay.  There ended up being 60 on Paraguay.  Not books, but rather pages from those 2000 books.
58 of them came in a book on Argentina, probably because in Argentina you have to know your enemy.  The 2 other pages came in a book about amazing places off the beaten track.  It was of a piranha-infested river that runs through Paraguay.  Certainly a river of man-eating fish is off the beaten track justifiably.
Apparently it’s a task to get a good map of the country too.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Paraguay 2012!

After discipleship training school, Bible college and a year as an intern I’m spending a half year adventuring in Paraguay as a media scout.  I will post videos and tales here, as well as any pictures of killer animals spotted from safe vantage points.


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